Hello, this is Rob with The Real Uncensored Truth... So Forget All The Lies That They Tell You... They have been lying to you for your entire life from the music you listen to, to the TV shows and movies you watch on TV. In this exposé article, I will be listing the corrupt members of the Bilderberg Group. You probably have never heard of them, and there's a good reason for it. For over 66 years now the Bilderberg Conference, an unofficial conclave of the Western world's 100 most powerful people, has been meeting in secluded places under a complete media blackout. Invitees usually are from business, politics, intelligence, and defense, with a smattering of newspaper editors who are sworn not to reveal who said what at the conference. These aren't just any typical rich and influential people, these globalists are the richest and most powerful people on the planet. Amongst some of the members of this club include Royalty, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Executives of Major International Conglomerates, Media Moguls, and World Bankers such as George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Paul Wolfowitz (former World Bank President and the Godfather of the Iraq War), Henry Kissinger (who got a Nobel Peace Prize soon after he authorized chemical warfare against Vietnam), Tony Blair (best known for lying about Iraqi Weapons of Mass Destruction), European Royalty, CIA Directors past and present, Directors of the British Secret Service MI6, and include Royalty, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Chief Executives of Major International Conglomerates, Media Moguls, and World Bankers.
Bilderberg is part of a triad that has two other members. The first is the Trilateral Commission, a private organization that fosters closer cooperation among the US, Europe, and Japan. It was established in 1973 when mutual relations between these three blocs were on a downward spiral downhill. Interestingly, appointed Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar's son Dhruva Jaishankar is a member of this organization. Senator Barry Goldwater, the Republican Party's nominee for President in the 1964 election, explained the workings of this secretive organization in his book With No Apologies. "The Trilateral Commission represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and consolidate the four centers of power: political, monetary, intellectual, and ecclesiastical. The Trilaterals truly intend to create a worldwide economic power superior to the political governments of the nation-states involved. They believe the abundant materialism they propose to create will overwhelm existing differences. As managers and creators of the system, they will rule the future." Paul Warburg founded the Council on Foreign Relations in 1921 and David Rockefeller founded the Trilateral Commission. These organizations are similar to the Bilderberg Group. David Rockefeller is a member of all three. The current members of these groups and the previous ones make it easy to see how powerful they are. Members include almost all the U.S. Presidential candidates from both political parties, Congresspersons, Senators, and the top officials at the CIA, FBI, and the NSA. Members include the Captains of Industry, Leaders of Defense Organizations, Supreme Court Justices, Generals, and Admirals. Just like the Bilderberg Group, the extent and reach of the powerful members of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission have influenced the globe for decades. Another Co-Founder of the Council on Foreign Relations was Edward Mandell House. He was the Chief Advisor to President Woodrow Wilson. Two things happened of significance to the influence of Edward Mandell House. During the December 1913 holiday season, when many of the lawmakers were not working, the Federal Reserve Act was quietly passed, which gave the power to create money for the bankers. Following this, 16th Amendment was ratified in February 1914. This Amendment created the federal income tax to have tax revenues to pay the debt for the money loaned to the government by the bankers. Americans have these powerful men to blame for creating the massive U.S. debt and for U.S. taxes. The common goal of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bilderberg Group is the creation of a one-world government with a Central Global Financial System. The two groups work together. The Council on Foreign Relations works on the U.S. side with the Bilderberg Group working on the European side. The Bilderberg Group understands that the destruction of the U.S. dollar is necessary in to lace it with a world currency. The bankers have been eroding the value of the U.S. dollar for a very long time. A dollar is worth less than 2% of what a U.S. dollar was worth one hundred years ago. U.S. government officials have been participants in this process, making a mountain of debt that can never be paid back. At some point, it is a mathematical certainty that the U.S. government’s debt will be so huge that it will not be possible to pay the interest on the debt. At that point, the U.S. government will be forced to default on paying the debt and America will be bankrupt. The U.S. dollar will become worthless in such a scenario, which will be the chance to introduce a new global currency. Which is a digital cryptocurrency developed and patented by Bill Gates and Microsoft. The patented digital currency is called Microsoft 060606 marks the number of the beast aka Satan.
Bilderberg has been behind the global pandemics and viruses being spread around the world. The enormous growth in the global population and its continued increase is not sustainable over the long term. One way the Bilderberg Group can reduce the human population is by causing pandemics. Biological agents can be intentionally used to cause a major outbreak of illness, which kills millions. Many of the super-elite have so little concern for the masses that they consider this the same as culling a herd of animals. Pandemics may be caused by terrorist groups and also be caused by natural processes. No matter what the cause, as long as the elite can survive the outbreak, along with their friends and families, this is all they care about not you.
Going onto media censorship A Bilderberg member, Richard Salant, who was President of CBS News during the 1960s and the 1970s, explained the Bilderberg Group’s influence on media. Salant said, “Our job is not to give people what they want, but what we decide they should have.” The media is controlled very heavily by a select few companies. Governments actively participate in the censorship of media and promote disinformation if it serves their purpose. The Rockefellers, through their Bilderberg contacts, which include the CEOs of major media companies, gained enormous influence over the media. It is rather hypocritical that these executives from the major news media attend the Bilderberg conferences because they are prohibited from reporting on it. The censorship goals of the Bilderberg Group are to make views popular by hiding the group’s real intent so that these views become public policy. After that, they can pressure governmental leaders and push them in the directions they want them to follow. These are propaganda campaigns that are carefully designed to create public opinion to protect corporate power. Even though the Bilderberg Group’s goal is a one-world government. They realize this can only be achieved one step at a time. They have already worked on this goal for decades. The steady progress can be seen by studying the historical timeline of the things that led to the formation of the European Union (EU), which are:
In December 1951, six nations formed the European Coal and Steel Community. March 1957, six nations signed the Treaty of Rome to form the European Economic Community (ECC) and a second treaty to form the European Atomic Energy Commission (EAEC).
In October 1957, the European Court of Justice was formed to handle trade disputes.
In May 1960, seven nations formed the European Free Trade Association.
July 1967 saw a merger of the EAEC, the ECSC, with the European Economic Community (EEC).
In 1968, the European Customs Union was formed to abolish duties and establish uniform import taxes for EEC nations.
In 1978, the European Currency Unit was created (later changed to the Euro).
The February 1992 Maastricht Treaty created the EU on November 1, 1993, and Euros began circulating in January 2002. Euros are now the official currency of 16 of the 27 EU states. It took over 50 years for the members of the EU to lose their sovereignty. The Bilderbergers are extremely patient in achieving their long terms goals.
David Rockefeller came up with the idea of The North American Union (NAU) in the 1980s. David Rockefeller started working on the North American Union during the 1980s. He met with Ronald Reagan, George Schultz, and FDA Chairman Paul Volker. The first step tried for beginning to create the NAU was to merge Canada with the United States. However, the merger would be without Quebec, where most of the people speak French, because Rockefeller thought that was problematic. They got a Bilderberg-friendly Canadian Prime Minister elected. The plan would have succeeded except the referendum for Quebec to separate from the rest of Canada was narrowly defeated in 1995. The vote was 50.56% for Quebec to stay as part of Canada and 49.44% for secession. This defeat did not stop the plans. They started with a trade agreement and in 1994 created the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Then, in March 2005 at President George Bush’s ranch, a secret meeting was held between Bush, Mexico’s President Vincente Fox, and Canada’s Prime Minister Paul Martin. They signed the agreement to form the North American Union (NAU). They planned to surreptitiously create the NAU without involving the legislation of any of the three countries and enforce the merger plan with military force if necessary. They planned to change the currency of the newly borderless North America to the “Amero.” The secret plans somehow leaked and once this effort became public knowledge, the plans stopped; at least, for the moment. BUT in my own opinion, I’m pretty sure that the NAU does exist and they don’t want us to know that the Amero dollar is on its way into currency very shortly but I’ll save that for another article to write about.
I have listed everyone that I know on the list but I know that I'm missing many people still. But I have done my best to give you the most information I possibly could. This is my longest blog yet but that's mostly because of the list of names provided below. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read the entire blog here. As you can see the various agenda topics over the years that they talk about and plan tragic world events and world conspiracies and carry out their plan of New World Order with the social credit score system and these globalists are all corrupt money-hungry criminals who steal money from the hardworking taxpayers. We need to stop the globalists and the secret societies with their plan for New World Order. Kevin Trudeau even admits that he was inducted into a secret global organization called "The Brotherhood" founded and run by the world's most powerful men to control global power. Anyways, here's some information on the participants who attend these secluded conference meetings.
1954 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
The attitude towards communism and the Soviet Union
The attitude towards dependent areas and people overseas
The attitude towards economic policies and problems
The attitude towards European integration and the European Defense Community
1964 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
The consequences for the Atlantic Alliance of:
Apparent changes in the communist world
Soviet internal development
The Communist Bloc
Possible changes in the attitude of the U.S.S.R. to the West
Recent developments within the Western world
2001 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
European Security Defense Identity and Transatlantic Security - I
Consequences of the Italian Elections
What Does EU Enlargement Mean for the EU and the Rest of the World?
Productivity in Europe and the United States - Is the Gap Widening?
Putin's Russia
What Can the World Do About the Middle East?
The New US Administration
European Security Defense Identity and Transatlantic Security - II
The Rise of China: Its Impact on Asia and the World
Policies for Trade Development and Economic Growth
What Should Governments Do About Food Quality?
Current Affairs
2007 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
The New World Order: Uni-Polar or Non-Polar?
Turkey and its Neighbours
Europe and the US: Common and Conflicting Interests
The Mood of the US
Democracy and Populism
Democracy in the Middle East
Turkey's Long-Term Development in Comparative Perspective
Leadership Changes in Key European Countries (France-UK)
Information Technology: Globalizing or Tribalizing Force?
Nuclear Non-Proliferation
The US: Cutting Issues in State-Federal Relations
Climate Change
Current Affairs: Capital Markets: Risks and Opportunities of Private Equity and Hedge Funds
2010 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
Current Events: North Korea, Iran, and Non-Proliferation
Global Cooling: Implications of Slow Economic Growth
The Growing Influence of Cyber Technology
Is Financial Reform Progressing?
the US and European Fiscal and Financial Challenges
The European Union and the Crisis of the Euro
Promises of Medical Science
Energy's Promises and Challenges
Security in a Proliferated World
Social Networking: From the Obama Campaign to the Iranian Revolution
Europe-US: A New Approach
Pakistan, Afghanistan, and the Region
Can We Feed the World?
2011 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
Innovation and Budgetary Discipline
Euro and Challenges for the European Union
the role of Emerging Economies
Social Networks: Connectivity and Security Issues
New Challenges in the Middle East
Conflict Areas
Demographic Challenges
the Future of Switzerland
2012 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
The State of Trans-Atlantic Relations
Is Vigorous Economic Growth Attainable?
The Future of Democracy in the Developed World
The US Political Landscape
The European Political Landscape
A Conversation on US Foreign Policy
The Politics and Geo-Politics of Energy
Stability and Instability in the Middle East
Imbalances, Austerity, and Growth
Sustainability of the Euro and its Consequences
What Does Putin 2.0 Mean?
What Can the West Do about Iran?
How Do Sovereign States Collaborate in Cyberspace?
China's Economic and Political Outlook
2013 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
Can the U.S. and Europe grow faster and create jobs?
Jobs, entitlement, and, debt
How big data is changing almost everything
Nationalism and populism
U.S. foreign policy
Africa's challenges
Cyberwarfare and the proliferation of asymmetric threats (Hybrid Warfare)
Major trends in medical research
Online education: promise and impacts
Politics of the European Union
Developments in the Middle East
2015 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
Artificial Intelligence
Chemical weapons threats
Current economic issues
European strategy
the Middle East
the United Kingdom
the USA
US elections
2016 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
Current events
Europe: European migrant crisis, growth, reform, vision, unity
the Middle East
US political landscape, economy: growth, debt, reform
Cyber security
Geopolitics of energy and commodity prices
Precariat and middle class
Technological innovation
2017 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
The Trump Administration: A progress report
Transatlantic relations
The Transatlantic Defense Alliance: bullets, bytes, and bucks
The direction of the European Union
Climate change
Jobs, income, and unrealized expectations
Fake news
Why is populism growing?
Russia in the international order
The Near East
Nuclear proliferation
Current events
2019 Bilderberg Agenda Topics:
A Stable Strategic Order
What is Next for Europe?
Climate Change and Sustainability
The Future of Capitalism
The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
The Weaponization of Social Media
The Importance of Space
Cyber Threats
King Philippe of Belgium (2007-2009, 2012)
United Kingdom
Prince Charles, Prince of Wales, Commonwealth realms (1986)
Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, Commonwealth realms (1965, 1967)(deceased)
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, Chairman of The Bilderberg Group Steering Committee (1954-1975) (deceased)
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands (1997, 2000, 2006, 2008-2015)
King Willem-Alexander of the Netherlands (2008, 2016)
King Harald V of Norway (1984)
Haakon Magnus, Crown Prince of Norway (2011)
Juan Carlos I of Spain, King of Spain (2004)
Queen Sofía of Spain (2008-2011, 2014)
Werner Faymann (2009, 2011, 2012), Chancellor (2008-2016), Chairman of the Social Democratic Party of Austria (2008-2016)
Heinz Fischer (2010, 2015), Federal President (2004-2016), Social Democratic Party of Austria
Alfred Gusenbauer (2007, 2015), Chancellor (2007-2008), Social Democratic Party of Austria
Andreas Schieder (2016), Chairman, Social Democratic Group, Member of the European Parliament (2019)
Yasmine Kherbache (2016), MP, Flemish Parliament, Member of the Trilateral Commission, Belgian Social-Democratic Politician
Charles Michel (2016), Prime Minister, President of the European Council (2019-Present), Leader of the Reformist Movement Party
Paul-Henri Spaak, Former Prime Minister, Secretary-General of NATO (1963) (deceased)
Gordon Campbell (2010), Premier of British Columbia (2001-2011), leader of the British Columbia Liberal Party (1993-2011)
Mike Harris (2006), Premier of Ontario (1995-2002), leader of the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario (PC Party) (1990-2002)
Jason Kenney (2014), Premier of Alberta (2019-Present), leader of the Alberta Progressive Conservative Party (PC Party), leader of the United Conservative Party (UCP) (2019-Present)
Bernard Lord (2006), Premier of New Brunswick (1999–2006), Board Chair of Ontario Power Generation (2005-2006), Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
Frank McKenna (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013), Premier of New Brunswick (1987-1997), Canadian Ambassador to the United States (2005-2006), Liberal Party of New Brunswick
Bill Morneau (2016-2017), Minister of Finance (2015-2020), Liberal Party of Canada
Alison Redford (2012), Premier of Alberta (2011-2014), Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta
Brad Wall (2013), Premier of Saskatchewan (2007-2018), Saskatchewan Party
Nigel S. Wright (2012), Chief of Staff Office of the Prime Minister of Canada (2011-2013), Managing Director in the London Office of Onex Corporation, Conservative Party of Canada
Prime Ministers
Lester B. Pearson (1968), Prime Minister (1963-1968), Liberal Party of Canada (deceased)
Pierre Elliott Trudeau (1968), Prime Minister (1968-1979, 1980-1984), Liberal Party of Canada (deceased)
Jean Chrétien (1996), Canadian Lawyer, Prime Minister (1993-2003), Liberal Party of Canada
Paul Martin (1996), Prime Minister, leader of the Liberal Party of Canada (2003-2006)
Stephen Harper (2003), Prime Minister (2006-2015), Bohemian Club ((ATTENDED BOHEMIAN GROVE WITH GEORGE W. BUSH AS GWB’S GUEST FOR THE BOHEMIAN GROVE), Conservative Party of Canada
Fu Ying (2011, 2012), Vice-Minister of Foreign Affairs, former Ambassador to the Philippines, UK, and Australia, Chairperson of the National People's Congress Foreign Affairs Committee from (2013-2018)
Czech Republic
Prince Karel of Schwarzenberg (2008), Czech Politician, Minister of Foreign Affair, Vice Prime Minister & former leader of the TOP 09 party, Member of the Trilateral Commission
Karel Kovanda (1998), Representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations (1993), President of the Economic & Social Council (1997)
Michael Žantovský (1999, 2003), Czech Diplomat, former Chairman of the Civic Democratic Alliance, Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United Kingdom, the United States & the State of Israel
Vladimír Dlouhý, Czech Economist & Politician, former Deputy Chairman of the ODA Political Party, Minister of Industry & Trade (1992-1997)
Jiří Pehe (2001), Czech Political Analyst & Writer, former Director of New York University's Academic Center in Prague
Thomas Ahrenkiel (2016), Danish Civil Servant, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defense, former Head of the Defense Intelligence Service
Søren Pind (2016), Danish Minister of Justice (2015-2016), Minister of Science, Technology, Information & Higher Education (2016-2018), Councilor in the Copenhagen City Council (1994-2005), Denmark's Liberal Party
European Union
European Union Commissioners:
Frits Bolkestein (1996, 2003), European Commissioner, leader of the People's Party for Freedom & Democracy (VVD) (1990-1998), European Commissioner for Internal Market (1999-2004)
Benoît Coeuré (2016), Executive Board of the European Central Bank (ECB)(2011-2019), President of the Competition Authority
Kristalina Georgieva (2016), Vice President of the European Commission, Chair/Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund(2019-Present), Chief-Executive of the World Bank Group (2017-2019), Acting President of the World Bank Group (Feb. 2019-April 2019)
Karel De Gucht (2015), Belgian Politician, European Commissioner for Trade (2010-2014), Belgium's Minister of Foreign Affairs (2004-2009), European Commissioner for International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid & Crisis Response (2009-2010), Open Flemish Liberals & Democrats Party
Neelie Kroes (2011), EU Commissioner, People's Party for Freedom & Democracy
Pascal Lamy (2003, 2010), former European Commissioner for Trade, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (2005-2013), Socialist Party
Peter Mandelson (1999), (2009), European Commissioner for Trade (2004-2008), British Labour Party, First Secretary of State (2009-2010), President of the Board of Trade in (1998) and again (2008-2010), President of International think tank Policy Network, Honorary President of Great Britain–China Centre, Chairman of Strategic Advisory Firm Global Counsel
Pedro Solbes (2010), former European Commissioner for Economic & Financial Affairs, member of the Trilateral Commission, former Second Vice President of Spain, former Minister of Economy & Finance, President of FRIDE, Madrid-based think tank, Socialist Workers' Party
Eero Heinäluoma (2006), former Chairman of the Social Democratic Party, Minister of Finance (2005-2007)
Jyrki Katainen (2007, 2009), Chairman of the National Coalition Party (2004-2014), former Minister of Finance, Prime Minister (2011-2014), European Commission's Vice-President for Jobs, Growth, Investment & Competitiveness (2014-2019)
Alexander Stubb (2015), Minister of Finance, Chairman of the National Coalition Party, former Prime Minister
Jutta Urpilainen (2012, 2013), former Minister of Finance, first woman Chairperson of the Social Democratic Party of Finland
Matti Vanhanen (2009), former Prime Minister, former Chairman of Centre Party
Elina Valtonen (2019), Politician, Vice-Chairman of National Coalition Party
Gaston Defferre (1964), National Assembly Member, Mayor of Marseille (for 33 years), former Leader of the Socialist Party (deceased)
Laurent Fabius (2016), President of the Constitutional Council, Socialist Party
Sylvie Goulard (2016), Member of the European Parliament, Democratic Movement Party (2007-2017), Republican Party (2017-Present)
Christine Lagarde (2013, 2016), Minister of Finance (2007-2011), Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (2011-Present), Popular Movement Party
Emmanuel Macron (2014), President of the French Republic (2017-Present),
Edouard Philippe (2016), Member of the Trilateral Commission, Mayor of Le Havre, Prime Minister of France (2017-2020), In October 2020, Philippe was one of several current and former government officials whose home was searched by French authorities following complaints about the government's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in France, Republican Party
Georges Pompidou, Prime Minister of France (1962-1968), President of the French Republic (1969-1974), Union for the New Republic (Before 1968), Union of Democrats for the Republic (1968-1974) (deceased)
Arno Gasquet, Sculptor, and Philosopher (2017-Present)
Joschka Fischer (2008), Foreign Minister (1998-2005), former leader of the Green Party of Germany (Die Grünen)
Ursula von der Leyen (2015-2016, 2018-2019), Minister of Defense, President of the European Commission (2019-Present)
Thomas de Maizière (2016), Minister of the Interior, Federal Ministry of the Interior, Member of Christian Democratic Union Party (CDU)
Angela Merkel (2005), German Chancellor (2005-2021), Member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
Wolfgang Schäuble (2016), Minister of Finance, Member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
Helmut Schmidt, West German Chancellor (1974-1982), Member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD)
Klaus Schwab (2016), Founder & Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum
Jens Spahn (2017), Parliamentary State Secretary and Federal Ministry of Finance, Centre-Right Christian Democratic Union (CDU)
Peer Steinbrück (2011), German Chancellor-Candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SPD)
Linda Teuteberg (2019), General Secretary, Free Democratic Party
Stanislaw Tillich (2016), Premier-Minister of Saxony (2008-2017), President of the Bundesrat (President of the Federal Council) (2015-2016),
Jürgen Trittin (2012), Federal Minister for the Environment (1998-2005)
Guido Westerwelle (2007), Chairman of the Free Democratic Party of Germany, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Germany (deceased)
Georgios Alogoskoufis (2008, 2009), Minister of Economy and Finance (2004-2009), Member of the Hellenic Parliament (1996-2009), New Democracy Party
Dora Bakoyannis (2009), Minister for Foreign Affairs (2006-2009), Mayor of Athens (2003-2006), Chairperson of the Greek Parliamentary Delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, member of the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), New Democracy Party
Anna Diamantopoulou (2008, 2009), Member of Parliament, Minister of Education, Minister for Development, Competitiveness & Shipping, European Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs & Equal Opportunities in the Prodi Commission, between (1999-2004), Panhellenic Socialist Movement Party (Social Democratic Party)
Anastasios Giannitsis (2012), Minister of the Interior (Greece) (2011-2012) [BETTER SOURCE NEEDED]
Kyriakos Mitsotakis (2016), Prime Minister of Greece (2019-Present), President of New Democracy, Minister of Administrative Reform (2013-2015), leader of the Opposition (2016-2019)
Giorgos Papakonstantinou (2010, 2011), Minister of Finance (2009-2011), Minister for the Environment, Energy & Climate Change of Greece (2011-2012), New Democracy Party
Yannis Papathanasiou (2009), Minister for Economy & Finance (2009), New Democracy Party
Yannis Stournaras (2009), Minister of Finance (2012-2014), Governor of the Bank of Greece (2014-Present), Minister for Development, Competitiveness & Shipping (2012), Independent Party
Bjarni Benediktsson (1965, 1967, 1970), Mayor of Reykjavík (1940-1947), Foreign Minister (1947-1955), Editor of The Morning Paper (1956-1959), Minister of Justice & Ecclesiastical Affairs (1959-1963), Prime Minister (1963-1970), Independence Party (deceased)
Björn Bjarnason (1974, 1977), Assistant Editor of The Morning Paper (1984-1991), Minister of Education (1995-2002), Minister of Justice & Ecclesiastical Affairs (2003, 2009), Independence Party
Davíð Oddsson (1991-1999), Mayor of Reykjavík (1982-1991), Prime Minister (1991-2004), Foreign Minister (2004-2005), Central Bank Governor (2005-2009), Editor of The Morning Paper (2009), Independence Party
Einar Benediktsson (1970), Ambassador: OECD (1956-1960), UK (1982-1986), European Union et al. (1986-1991), NATO (1986-1990), United States et al. (1993-1997)
Geir Haarde, Central Bank Economist (1977-1983), Member/Chairman of the Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee (1991-1998), Minister of Finance (1998-2005), Foreign Minister (2005-2006), Prime Minister (2006-2009), Independence Party
Geir Hallgrímsson (ca. 1974-1977), (1980), Mayor of Reykjavík (1959-1972), Prime Minister (1974-1978), Foreign Minister (1983-1986), Governor of the Central Bank (1986-1990) Independence Party (deceased)
Jón Sigurðsson (1993), IMF Board of Directors (1974-1987), Minister of Justice & Ecclesiastical Affairs (1987-1988), Industry & Commerce (1988-1993), Governor of the Central Bank (1993-1994), Governor of the Nordic Investment Bank (1994-2005), leader of the Icelandic Independence Movement
Garret FitzGerald (1985), Senator (1965-1969), Taoiseach (Prime Minister & Head of Ireland) (1982-1987), Minister for Foreign Affairs (1973-1977), Teachta Dála (Member of Parliament or Member of Congress) (1969-1992), leader of Fine Gael (1977-1987) (deceased)
Paul Gallagher, Attorney General of Ireland 1st time (2007-2011), 2nd time (2020-Present)
Dermot Gleeson, former Attorney General of Ireland (1994-1997), Fine Gael Party (Liberal-Conservative Christian-Democratic Political Party in Ireland)
Charlie McCreevy, Teachta Dála (TD)(Member of Parliament or Member of Congress) (1977-1997), Teachta Dála (TD) (Member of Parliament or Member of Congress) (1997-2004), Minister for Social Welfare (1992-1993), Minister for Tourism & Trade (1993-1994), Minister for Enterprise & Employment (1994), Minister for Finance (1997-2004), European Commissioner for Internal Market & Services (2004-2010)
Michael McDowell (2007), former Attorney General, former Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform
Michael Noonan (2012, 2016), Minister for Health (1994-1997), Minister for Industry & Commerce (1986-1987), Minister for Finance (2011-2017), Minister for Energy (January 2017-March 2017), Minister for Justice (1982-1986), Teachta Dála (TD) (Member of Parliament or Member of Congress) (1981-2020)
Peter Sutherland, Director General of the WTO (World Trade Organization), member of the Trilateral Commission, former Attorney General of Ireland, UN Special Representative for International Migration (2006-2017), Fine Gael Party (Liberal-Conservative Christian-Democratic political party in Ireland) (deceased)
Simon Coveney (2014), Irish Fine Gael politician, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Deputy Leader of Fine Gael (2017-Present), Minister for Defense (2020-Present), Teachta Dála (TD) for the Cork South-Central Constituency since 1998, previously served as Tánaiste (Deputy Head of the Government of Ireland) (2017-2020), Minister for Housing, Planning, Community & Local Government (2016-2017), Minister for Agriculture, Food & the Marine (2011-2016), former Member of the European Parliament (MEP) for the South Constituency (2004-2007)
Emma Bonino, Minister of Foreign Affairs (2013-2014), Member of the European Parliament (1979-1988), Member of the Chamber of Deputies (1976-1978), European Commissioner for Health & Consumer Protection (1995-1999), Vice President of the Senate (2008-2013), Minister of International Trade & European Affairs (2006-2008), Member of the Italian Senate Incumbent (2018-Present) member of:
Radical Party (Liberal Party in Italy 1989)
Pannella List (Liberal and Libertarian Association 1989-1996)
Bonino List (Libertarian Electoral List 1996-2001)
Italian Radicals (Liberal Party in Italy since 2001)
Marta Dassù (2016), Senior Director of the European Affairs at Aspen Institute, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs in the government of Mario Monti (2011-2014), Senior Director of European Affairs at the Aspen Institute, Editor-In-Chief of Aspen Institute Italia's journal
Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank, Italian Economist, Banker, Civil Servant & Prime Minister of Italy (2021-Present), Independent Party
Lilli Gruber, Former Member of the European Parliament, Editor-In-Chief & Anchor "Otto e mezzo", La7 TV, Independent politician
Enrico Letta, Italian politician, Prime Minister of Italy (2013-2014), Deputy Secretary of the Democratic Party (2009-2013), Secretary of the Council of Ministers (2006-2008), Minister of Industry, Trade & Crafts (1999-2001), Minister of Community Policies (1998-1999), Member of the European Parliament (2004-2006), Member of the Chamber of Deputies Incumbent (2021-Present)
Mario Monti, Economist, Prime Minister (2011-2013), Member of the Senate Incumbent (2011-For Life), President of the Bocconi University Incumbent (1994), European Commissioner for Internal Market, Services, Customs & Taxation (1995-1999), European Commissioner for Competition (1999-2004), Minister of Economy & Finance (2011-2012)
Renato Ruggiero, Director-General of the World Trade Organization (1995-1999), Italy's Foreign Minister (2001), Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union (1979-1984), Minister of Foreign Trade (1987-1991), Italian Socialist Party, member of the Trilateral Commission (deceased)
Nobuo Tanaka (2009), Executive Director of the International Energy Agency (2007-2011), Liberal Democratic Party
Ahmed Aboutaleb (2016), Mayor of the City of Rotterdam, Labour Party (PvdA)
Jan-Peter Balkenende (2008), Prime Minister (2002-2010), Christian Democratic Appeal Party (CDA)
Sharon Dijksma (2016), Minister for the Environment, Labour Party (PvdA)
Kajsa Ollongren (2016), Netherlands' Minister of Defense (2022-Present), Democrats 66 (D66), former Minister of the Interior & Kingdom Relations, Deputy Prime Minister in the third Rutte Cabinet (2017-2022), Mayor of Amsterdam (2017)
Alexander Pechtold, leader of Democrats 66 (D66 Social-Liberal Political Party in the Netherlands)
Mark Rutte (2012, 2016), Prime Minister, Leader of the People's Party for Freedom & Democracy (VVD) (2006-Present)
Diederik Samsom, former leader of the Labour Party (PvdA), Head of Cabinet for First Vice-President of the European Commission Frans Timmermans.
Børge Brende (2016), President of the World Economic Forum, Member of Bilderberg Group Steering Committee, Leader of the Young Conservatives (1988-1990), First Deputy Leader of the Conservative Party (1994-1998), member of the Norwegian Parliament (1997-2009), Minister of the Environment (2001-2004), Minister of Trade & Industry (2004-2005), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2013-2017), President of the World Economic Forum (2017-Present)
Jens Stoltenberg (2002), the former Prime Minister of Norway, Labour Party
Kristin Clemet (1999, 2008) Managing Director of the Liberal & Conservative think tank Civita, Former Minister of Education & Science.
Geir Lundestad (2005) Director of the Norwegian Nobel institute & Secretary to The Nobel Peace Prize Committee
Siv Jensen, leader of the Progress Party (2006-2021), Minister of Finance (2013-2020)
Józef Retinger (1954-1960), Founder/Secretary of Bilderberg Group (deceased)
Andrzej Olechowski (1994, 2004, 2005), Polish Politician, Co-Founder of Liberal-Conservative Platform in 2001 with Maciej Płażyński & Donald Tusk
Hanna Suchocka (1998), Prime Minister (1992-1993), Minister of Justice, Public Prosecutor General (1997-2000), Polish Ambassador to the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (2002-2013), Polish Ambassador to the Holy See (2001-2013), member of :
Alliance of Democrats (Centrist Party Before 1989)
Solidarity (Independent Self-Governing Trade Union "Solidarity" 1989-1990)
Democratic Union (Freedom Union Ideology Liberalism Christian-Democracy 1990-1994)
Freedom Union (Liberal Democratic Party 1994-2000)
Jan Vincent-Rostowski (2012), Vice-Prime Minister, Minister of Finance, Civic Platform changed the UK The Independent Group (2019)
Radoslaw Sikorski (2016), Former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Civic Platform Party
Rafał Trzaskowski (2019), President of Warsaw, Civic Platform Party
Maria Luís Albuquerque (2016), Minister of State & Finance (2013-2015), Social Democratic Party
José Pedro Aguiar-Branco, former Minister of Justice, Social Democratic Party
Luís Amado, Politician, Minister of Defense (2005-2006), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2006-2011), Socialist Party
Joaquim Ferreira do Amaral (1999), former Naval Commander, Politician, former Minister of Public Works, Transport & Communications
Luís Mira Amaral (1995), former Minister of Labour & Social Solidarity, Chairman of Caixa Geral de Depósitos (Portugal Government-owned bank), CEO of Portuguese Investment Bank, Social Democratic Party
Francisco Pinto Balsemão (1981, 1983-1985, 1987-2008), Prime Minister of Portugal (1981-1983), CEO of Impresa Media Group, Social Democratic Party
António Miguel Morais Barreto (1992), former Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development & Fisheries, member of:
Portuguese Communist Party (1963-1970)
Socialist Party (1974-1978)
Reform Movement (1978-1983)
Democratic Alliance Party (1979-1983)
Independent (1983-1987)
Socialist Party (1987-1999)
Independent (1999-?)[BETTER SOURCE NEEDED]
José M. Durão Barroso (2016), former President of the European Commission
Fausto Logreira-Celine (2007, 2009-2013, 2016)
Vítor Constâncio (1988), Governor of the Bank of Portugal (Central Bank of the Portuguese Republic), Vice-President of the ECB, Socialist Party
António Costa (2008), former Minister of Interior, former Mayor of Lisbon current Prime Minister of Portugal. Socialist Party
João Cravinho, former Minister for Environment, Spatial Planning & Regional Development, current Non-Executive Chairman of Goldman Sachs International, Socialist Party
José Manuel Durão Barroso (1994, 2003, 2005, 2013), former Prime Minister of Portugal, Minister of Foreign Affairs, current President of the European Commission, Workers' Communist Party (Before 1976), Social Democratic Party (1976-Present)
José Medeiros Ferreira (1977, 1980), former Minister of Foreign Affairs(deceased)
António Guterres (1994), former Prime Minister of Portugal, former President of the Socialist International, current Secretary-General of the United Nations, Socialist Party
Manuela Ferreira Leite (2009), former Minister of Education, Minister of Finance & Public Administration, Social Democratic Party
Pedro Santana Lopes (2004), former Prime Minister of Portugal, Independent Party
Francisco Luís Murteira Nabo, former Chairman of Portugal Telecom, Minister of Public Works, Transport & Communications, current Chairman of Galp Energia, President of the Portuguese Economists Association, Socialist Party
Manuel Pinho (2009), former Minister of Economy and Innovation, Independent Party
Paulo Portas, Politician, Deputy Prime Minister of Portugal (2013-2015), People's Party
Paulo Rangel, Politician, member of the European Parliament (2009-Present), Vice-President of the European People's Party under the leadership of its president Donald Tusk, Social Democratic Party,
Rui Rio (2008), former Mayor of Porto, Minister for Parliamentary Affairs (1989), Social Democratic Party
Ferro Rodrigues, former Minister of Labour and Social Solidarity, Minister of Public Works, Transport & Communications, Socialist Party
Jorge Sampaio, former President of Portugal, Socialist Party
Fernando Teixeira dos Santos (2010), former Minister of Finance, Independant Party
Nuno Morais Sarmento, former Minister of Presidency, Minister of Parliament Affairs, Social Democratic Party
António José Seguro, Politician, Socialist Party
Artur Santos Silva, former Vice-Governor of the Bank of Portugal, Chairman of Portuguese Investment Bank, current Non-Executive Chairman of Jerónimo Martins
Augusto Santos Silva, former Minister of Education, Minister of Culture, Minister of Parliament Affairs, current Minister of National Defense
José Sócrates (2004), former Prime Minister of Portugal, member of:
Social Democratic Party (Before 1981)
Socialist Party (1981–2018)
Independent (2018–present)
Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa (1998), former Minister of Parliament Affairs, President of Portugal, Independent (2016-Present), Social Democratic Party (1975-2016)
Inés Arrimadas (2019), Party Leader Ciudadanos (Citizens)(Spanish Political Party)
Pablo Casado (2019), President, Partido Popular (People's Party)
María Dolores de Cospedal (2011), Secretary-General of the People's Party
Albert Rivera Díaz (2017-2018), leader of the Political Party Citizens from (2006-2019)
Bernardino León Gross (2008, 2010, 2011), Secretary-General of Office of the Prime Minister
Luis de Guindos (2017), Minister of Economy, Industry, & Competitiveness
Jordi Pujol (1991), President of the Government of Catalonia (1980-2003)
Miguel Ángel Moratinos (2009), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2004-2010)
Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría (2012-2018), Deputy Prime Minister
Pedro Solbes (2009), Minister of Economy and Finance (1993-1996, 2004-2009), member of the Trilateral Commission
Pedro Sánchez (2017), Leader (Secretary-General) of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE)
José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero (2010), Prime Minister (2004-2011)
Magdalena Andersson (2016), Minister of Finance, Prime Minister (2021-Present), Social Democratic Worker's Party of Sweden
Carl Bildt (2006, 2008, 2009, 2013, 2014), Prime Minister (1991-1994), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2006-2014), European Deputy Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Wallenberg Foundations Senior Adviser, Moderate Party
Anders Borg (2007, 2013), Minister of Finance (2006-2014), Moderate Party
Thorbjörn Fälldin (1978), Prime Minister (1976-1978), leader of the Swedish Centre Party (1971-1985)
Stefan Löfven (2013), Prime Minister (2014-2021), leader of the Social Democratic Party (2012-2021)
Annie Lööf (2017), leader of the Centre Party (2011-Present)
Maud Olofsson (2008), Minister of Industry (2006-2011), Center Party
Fredrik Reinfeldt (2006), Prime Minister (2006-2014), Moderate Party
Mona Sahlin (1996), Head of the Swedish Social Democratic Party (2007-2011)
Christoph Blocher (2009), former Member of Federal Council, former CEO of EMS Group, Swiss People's Party
Doris Leuthard (2011), former Member of Federal Council, Christian Democratic People's Party
Christa Markwalder (2016), President of the National Council and the Federal Assembly
Rolf Schweiger (2011) [NO KNOWN SOURCES]
Martin Vetterli (2016), President of Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology, President of the National Research Council of the Swiss National Science Foundation
Ali Babacan (2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013), Minister of Economic Affairs (2002-2007), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2007-2009), Deputy Prime Minister (2009-2015), Leader of the Democracy & Progress Party
Ahmet Ünal Çeviköz (2019), Member of Parliament, Republican People's Party (CHP)
Mehmet Şimşek (2016, 2018), Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, Justice & Development Party
United Kingdom
Shirley Williams (at least 2010, 2013), Secretary of State for Prices & Consumer Protection (1974-1976), Paymaster General (1976-1979), Secretary of State for Education & Science (1976-1979), President of the Social Democratic Party (1982-1987), Leader of the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords (2001-2004)
Helen Goodman (2016), Member of Parliament for Bishop Auckland (2005-2019), British Labour Party
Paddy Ashdown (1989), former leader of Liberal Democrats, High Representative for Bosnia & Herzegovina (deceased)
Ed Balls (2006), Secretary of State for Children, Schools & Families (2007-2010), Shadow-Chancellor of the Exchequer (Department of the British Government responsible for taxation) (2011-2015), Labour Party & the Co-operative Party, Member of Parliament (MP)(2005-2015)
Peter Carington 6th Baron Carrington (Steering Committee member), former Foreign Secretary (deceased)
Kenneth Clarke (1993, 1998, 1999, 2003, 2004, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2013), Chancellor of the Exchequer (1993-1997), Shadow Secretary of State for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform (2008-2010), Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Justice (2010-2012), Minister without Portfolio (2012-2014)
Denis Arthur Greenhill, Lord Greenhill of Harrow (1974), former Head of Foreign and Commonwealth Office (deceased)
David Hannay, Baron Hannay of Chiswick (1995), Diplomatic posts at European Union & United Nations
Denis Healey, (Founder and Steering Committee Member), former Chancellor of the Exchequer, Foreign Secretary, Deputy Leader of the Labour Party (UK) (deceased)
John Kerr (2008-2013, 2015-2016), Member of the House of Lords, Deputy Chairman of Scottish Power
Peter Mandelson (1999, 2008, 2009, 2011-2013), European Commissioner (2004–2008), Business Secretary (2008-2010)
John Monks (1996), former TUC General Secretary
George Osborne (2006-2009, 2013, 2016), Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer (2004-2010), Chancellor of the Exchequer (Department of the British government responsible for taxation) (2010-2016)
David Owen (1982), former British Foreign Secretary, Leader of the Social Democratic Party
Enoch Powell (1968), MP, Ulster Unionist (deceased)
Malcolm Rifkind (1996), former Foreign Secretary
Eric Roll Baron Roll of Ipsden (1964, 1966, 1967, 1973-1975, 1977-1999) (Bilderberg Steering Committee), Chairman of the Bilderberg Group meetings (1986-1989), (deceased)
John Smith (1989), Leader of the Labour Party (deceased)
Prime Ministers
Tony Blair (1993), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1997-2007)
Gordon Brown (1991), Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (2007- 2010)
Edward Heath, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom (1970-1974) (deceased)
Alec Douglas-Home (1977–1980), Chairman of the Bilderberg Group, Prime Minister (1963-1964), Conservative Party, Unionist Party (deceased)
Margaret Thatcher (at least 1975, 1977, 1986), Prime Minister (1979-1990) (deceased)
David Cameron (2013) Prime Minister (2010-2016)
United States
Roger Altman (2008, 2013, 2016), Deputy Treasury Secretary (1993-1994), Founder & Chairman of Evercore Partners
George W. Ball (1954, 1993), Under Secretary of State (1961-1968), Ambassador to U.N. (1968) (deceased)
Sandy Berger (1999), National Security Advisor, (1997-2001) (deceased)
William J. Burns (2016), President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Hillary Clinton (1997), First Lady of Arkansas (1983-1992), United States Senator from New York (2001-2009), First Lady of the US (1993-2001), Member of the Trilateral Commission, Republican Party (before 1968), Democratic Party 1968-Present)
Jared Cohen (2018, 2019), CEO of Jigsaw, Alphabet Inc.
Thomas E. Donilon (2012), Executive Vice-President for Law & Policy at Fannie Mae (1999-2005), National Security Advisor (2010-2013)
Timothy Geithner (2008, 2009), Treasury Secretary
Dick Gephardt (2012), former Congressman and House Majority Leader
Christian Herter (1961, 1963, 1964, 1966), 53rd United States Secretary of State (deceased)
Charles Douglas Jackson (1957, 1958, 1960), Special Assistant to the President (deceased)
Joseph E. Johnson (1954), President Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (deceased)
Henry Kissinger (1957, 1964, 1966, 1971, 1974, 1977, 1992, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2019), 8th United States National Security Advisor (1969-1975), 56th United States Secretary of State (1973-1977), Foreign Policy Advisor to the Presidential Campaigns of Nelson Rockefeller, Director of the Rockefeller Brothers Special Studies Project, Bronze Star Sergeant of the 84th Infantry Division, 970th Counter Intelligence Corps Detachment, involved in WWII and the Battle of the Bulge, Chairman of Kissinger Associates Inc., Member/Lifetime Trustee of the Trilateral Commission, Bohemian Club Member (Bohemian Grove), World Economic Forum Member, Republican Party
Jared Kushner (2019), Senior Advisor to the President to the White House, Bohemian Club (Bohemian Grove)
Mark G. Mazzie (1986, 1987), Chief of Staff of The Honorable George C. Wortley of U.S. House of Representatives
H.R. McMaster (2017), United States Army Lieutenant General the 26th United States National Security Advisor (2017-2018) during Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom, Operation Iraqi Freedom
Richard Perle (2011), Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee (2001-2003), United States Assistant Secretary of Defense (1981-1987), member of the Trilateral Commission
David H. Petraeus (2015, 2016, 2019), Chairman of KKR Global Institute; 4th Director of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
Condoleezza Rice (2008), 66th United States Secretary of State
Wilbur Ross (2017), United States Secretary of Commerce (2017-Present)
Robert E. Rubin (2016), Co-Chair of Council on Foreign Relations
George P. Shultz (2008), 60th United States Secretary of State
Lawrence Summers, Director of the National Economic Council
Paul Volcker (2010), Chair of the President's Economic Recovery, North American Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group Steering Committee Member, Trilateral Commission Executive Committee, Bohemian Club (Bohemian Grove) Advisory Board Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1979-1987) (deceased)
Bing West (2010), Author, former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
Robert Zoellick (2008-2015), former Trade Representative, former Deputy Secretary of State, former President of the World Bank Group, Member of the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations Member, Republican Party
Tom Daschle (2008), Senator from South Dakota (1987-2005), acting Administrator of the Federal Aviation Administration in the Clinton Administration, CEO of Ruck.us, Democratic Party
John Edwards (2004), Senator from North Carolina (1999-2005), Democratic Party
Lindsey Graham (2016), Senator from South Carolina, Republican Party (2003-Present)
Chuck Hagel (1999, 2000), Senator from Nebraska (1997-2009), Secretary of Defense (2013-2015), Co-Founded Vanguard Cellular, Deputy Director/Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the 1990 G7 Summit, Republican Party
John Kerry (2012), 68th United States Secretary of State, Senator from Massachusetts (1985-2013), Bohemian Club (Bohemian Grove), Democratic Party
Bill Clinton, Governor of Arkansas (1991), President of the United States (1993-2001), Member of the Trilateral Commission,
Mitch Daniels (2012), Governor of Indiana (2004-2013)
Jon Huntsman Jr. (2012), Governor of Utah (2005-2009)
John Hickenlooper (2018), Governor of Colorado (2011-2019)
Rick Perry (2007), Governor of Texas (2000-2015), Democratic Party (before 1989), Republican Party (1989-Present),
Mark Sanford (2008), Governor of South Carolina (2003-2011), Republican Party
Kathleen Sebelius (2008), Governor of Kansas (2003-2009), Secretary of Health and Human Services (2009-2014)
Mark Warner (2005), Governor of Virginia (2002-2006), Senator from Virginia assumed office 3 January 2009, Democratic Party
Chris Hadfield (2016), Colonel, Astronaut
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer (2010), Secretary-General of NATO (2004-2009), Diplomat of the Christian Democratic Appeal Party(CDA), Minister of Foreign Affairs (2002-2003), Democrats 66 (1979-1982)
United Kingdom
Colin Gubbins (1955, 1957, 1958, 1963, 1964, 1966), Head of the British SOE (Special Operations Executive)(British Intelligence Agency)(deceased)
United States
Keith B. Alexander (2012), 16th Director of the National Security Agency (2005-2014), 1st Commander of United States Cyber Command (2010-2014)
Philip M. Breedlove (2016), 4 Star General in the United States Air Force. Commander of U.S. European Command, 17th Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) of NATO Allied Command Operations (2013-2016), Commander of U.S. Air Forces Europe, concurrently served as commander of U.S. Air Forces Africa, Commander of Air Component Command, Ramstein, Director of Joint Air Power Competence Center, 36th Vice Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force (2012-2013), in a ceremony in Stuttgart, Germany, Breedlove took over the command of USEUCOM. Three days later, he assumed command as SACEUR. The Supreme Allied Commander Europe (SACEUR) is the commander of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO), Allied Command Operations (ACO), Head of ACO's headquarters, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE). The commander is based at SHAPE in Casteau, Belgium. SACEUR is the second-highest military position within NATO, below only the Chairman of the NATO Military Committee in terms of precedence. SACEUR has always been held by a U.S. military officer, and the position is dual-hatted with that of Commander of United States European Command. The current SACEUR is General Tod D. Wolters of the United States Air Force. The United States European Command (EUCOM) is one of the eleven unified combatant commands of the United States military, headquartered in Stuttgart, Germany. Its area of focus covers 21,000,000 square miles (54,000,000 km2) and 51 countries and territories, including Europe, Russia, and Greenland. The Commander of the United States EUCOM simultaneously serves as the Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR) within NATO, a military alliance. During the Gulf War and Operation Northern Watch, EUCOM controlled the forces flying from Incirlik Air Base.
Alexander Haig (1978), NATO Commander (1974-1979), US Secretary of State (1981-1982) (deceased)
Lyman Lemnitzer (1963), Supreme Allied Commander NATO (1963-1969) (deceased)
Financial institutions:
Andreas Treichl (2009), CEO of Erste Bank
Rudolf Scholten (2010, 2016), Member of the Board of Executive Directors of Oesterreichische Kontrollbank AG
Walter Rothensteiner (2011), Deputy Chairman of the Board, CEO of Raiffeisen Zentralbank (Central Institution of the Raiffeisen Banking Group Austria) (RBG)
Thomas Leysen (2016), Chairman of KBC Group, Member of Bilderberg Group Steering Committee
Neil McKinnon (1965), President of the Canadian Imperia, Bank of Commerce (CIBC).
Louis Rasminsky (1968), 3rd Governor of the Bank of Canada (1961-1973) (deceased)
Frank McKenna (2006, 2008, 2010, 2012), Deputy Chair of TD Bank Financial Group, Canadian Ambassador to the United States (2005-2006), Premier of New Brunswick (1987-1997)
Marcel Faribault (1966), Canadian Notary, Businessman, Administrator, President of Trust Général du Canada (General Trust of Canada)(deceased)
Mark Carney (2011, 2012), Governor of the Bank of Canada (2008-2013), Governor of the Bank of England (2013-2020), Vice Chairman/Head of Impact Investing at Brookfield Asset Management, Chair of the Financial Stability Board (2011-2018), Goldman Sachs as well as the Department of Finance Canada before governorships.
Clark, Edmund, (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012), President/CEO of TD Bank Financial Group
Björn Wahlroos (2016), Chairman of Sampo Group, Nordea Bank, UPM-Kymmene Corporation
Henri de Castries (2008-2015), Chairman/CEO of AXA, Chairman of the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee
Jean-Claude Trichet (2008 2009, 2010) President of the European Central Bank (2003-2011)
Paul M. Achleitner (2016-2019), Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank (2012-Present), Head of the Exchange Expert Commission, Treasurer & Member of the Bilderberg Group Steering Committee
Oliver Bäte (2017), CEO of Allianz SE
John Cryan (2016), CEO of the Deutsche Bank AG
Carsten Kengeter (2016–2017), CEO of Deutsche Börse
Siegmund Warburg (1977), Anglo-German Jewish Banker was persecuted by Nazis (deceased)
Takis Arapoglou (2009), former Chairman/CEO of the National Bank of Greece
Claudio Costamagna (2016), Chairman of Italian National Promotional Institution (2015-2018)
Wim Duisenberg, former European Central Bank President (deceased)
Peru (1988) CEO of Citibankoland
Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, Co-Chairman of First Boston
Poland (2004) CEO of Citibankoland
Antonio Nogueira Leite (2011), Economist
Francisco Pinto Balsemão, Media Businessman
António Borges, Economist, Economics Professor at INSEAD, Goldman Sachs executive, Vice-President of PSD (Social Democratic Party)
Ana Botín (2010, 2016-2019), Group Executive Chair of Banco Santander
Juan María Nin Génova (2009-2012), CEO of La Caixa
Matías Rodríguez Inciarte (2010), Vice-Chairman of Banco Santander
Suzan Sabancı Dinçer (2009, 2010), Chairman of Akbank
United Kingdom
Gordon Richardson (1966, 1975) former Governor of the Bank of England (deceased)
Douglas Flint (2016), Group Chairman, HSBC
United States
David Rockefeller Sr. (2008, 2009, 2011), Former Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, Founder/Honorary Chairman/Lifetime Trustee of the Trilateral Commission, Honorary Chairman of Council on Foreign Relations, Founder/Honorary Chairman of Americas Society, Member of Advisory Group of Bilderberg Group, Board Member of The New York Young Republican Club (deceased)
William Joseph McDonough (1997), former president, Federal Reserve Bank of New York (deceased)
Ben Bernanke (2008, 2009), Chairman of the Board of Governors of the United States Federal Reserve
Paul Volcker (1982, 1983, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992, 1997, 2009, 2010), former Chairman of the Federal Reserve, Chair of the President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board (2009-2011), Member of the Trilateral Commission
René Benko (2016), Founder/Chairman of the Advisory Board, SIGNA Holding GmbH
Rolf Soiron (2011), CEO of Holcim Ltd.(Manufacturer of Building Materials)
Heather Reisman (2016), Chair/CEO of Indigo Books & Music
Christian Dyvig (2016), Founder/CEO of C. P. Dyvig & Co., former Managing Director in the Mergers & Acquisitions Department
Ulrik Federspiel (2016), Group Executive of Haldor Topsøe (Danish Company)
Jorma Ollila (1997, 2005, 2008, 2011, 2012, 2013, current Non-Executive Chairman of Royal Dutch Shell, former Chairman of Nokia Corporation
Patricia Barbizet (2016), CEO of Artemis (French Holding Company)
Nicolas Baverez (2016), Partner @ Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher (Global Law Firm founded in Los Angeles in 1890)
Michel Bon, former CEO of France Telecom
André Lévy-Lang, former CEO of BNP Paribas (French Bank & Financial Services Company)
Baron Edmond de Rothschild, French-Swiss Banker, Founder of the Edmond de Rothschild Group (1953), the richest member of the Rothschild family
Josef Ackermann (2008-2011, 2013), CEO of Deutsche Bank
Otto Wolff von Amerongen, Chairman of Otto Wolff (German Steelmaker), Member of the Trilateral Commission, Chairman of the German East-West Trade Committee, served as Chairman of the Cologne Chamber of Commerce and Industry (1966-1990),
Werner Baumann (2017), Chairman of Bayer (German Multinational Pharmaceutical, Chemical, & Agricultural Biotechnology Company)
Hans-Christian Boos (2019), Founder/CEO of Arago (Artificial Intelligence Development Company)
Frank Bsirske (2017), Chairman of the United Services Union (NSW Local Government Clerical Administrative Energy Airlines & Utilities Union)
Thomas Enders (2016), CEO of Airbus Group (European Aircraft Manufacturer)
Ulrich Grillo (2016), Chairman of Grillo-Werke, President of the Federation of German Industries
Timotheus Höttges (2016), CEO of Deutsche Telekom (German Telecommunications Company)
Sonja Jost (2019), CEO of DexLeChem (Chemical-Pharmaceutical Industry with green development services)
Joe Kaeser (2016), President/CEO of Siemens
Susanne Klatten (2017), Managing Director of SKion
Klaus Kleinfeld (2008–2013), Chairman/CEO of Alcoa Corporation (Producer of Aluminum)
Jürgen E. Schrempp (1994–1996, 1997), (1998, 1999, 2001-2005, 2006, 2007), CEO of Daimler-Benz (1995-2005)
Dieter Zetsche (2019), German Engineer, Business Executive, Chairman of TUI AG (British-German leisure, travel, and tourism company), Chairman of the Board of Management of Daimler AG, Head of Mercedes-Benz (2006-2019
George A. David (2009-2011), Chairman of Coca-Cola Hellenic
George Logothetis (2016), Founder/Chairman/CEO of the Libra Group aka Libra Holdings (privately held international conglomerate operating in a variety of industries including 30 subsidiaries across six continents in six sectors: aviation leasing, renewable energy, hotels & hospitality services, real estate, financial services & diversified investments & shipping)
Dimitris Papalexopoulos (2008, 2009, 2012, 2016), CEO of Titan Cement (Large Multinational Cement & Building Materials Producing Company)
Hörður Sigurgestsson, former CEO of Eimski (Icelandic Shipping Company)
Peter Sutherland (1989-1996, 1997,[BETTER SOURCE NEEDED] 2005), UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration (2006-2017), former Chairman of BP, Global Forum on Migration & Development (GFMD), President of the International Catholic Migration Commission, Migration Advisory Board of the International Organization for Migration, Board Member of Wallenberg-owned ABB and Wallenberg’s conglomerate holding company, Investor AB, Senior Counsel of the Bar Council of Ireland. He previously served as Attorney General of Ireland (1981-1982, 1982–1984), European Commissioner for Competition (1985-1989), Founding Director-General of the World Trade Organization, GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade 1993-1995), Chairman of Goldman Sachs International (1995-2015) (deceased)
Denis O'Brien, Billionaire with a variety of business interests (including Digicel, Communicorp, Independent News & Media, Irish Water, & Topaz Energy)
Michael O'Leary (2015-2016), CEO of Ryanair (ultra-low-cost-cost carrier), one of Ireland's wealthiest businessmen
Giovanni Agnelli (1997), Honorary Chairman of Fiat Automobiles (deceased)
Umberto Agnelli (1997), Chairman of IFIL (deceased)
Franco Bernabè (2011, 2013, 2016), CEO of Telecom Italia (Gruppo TIM Italian Telecommunications Company)
John Elkann (2008-2012, 2014-2016), Chairman/CEO of EXOR (Italian Investment Company Incorporated in the Netherlands), Chairman of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
Ben van Beurden (2016), CEO of Royal Dutch Shell (Multinational Oil & Gas Company)
Jeroen van der Veer, Chairman of Philips, former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Royal Dutch Shell (Multinational Oil & Gas Company)
Svein Richard Brandtzæg (2016), President and CEO of Norsk Hydro (Norwegian Aluminium & Renewable Energy Company)
Jens Chr. Hauge, Member of the Group's Board of Industrialists, who resigned as Minister of Justice in (1955), Minister of Defense Appointment (1945)
Helge Lund, Chairman of BP (2019-Present), Chairman of the Danish Healthcare Company Novo Nordisk (2018-Present), former Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of BG Group, Statoil, and Aker Kværner, Director of Schlumberger (2016-2018)
Kristin Skogen Lund (2016), Director-General of the Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise
Jacek Szwajcowski (2004, 2005) CEO of Polska Grupa Farmaceutyczna (Polish Pharmaceutical Group)
Grzegorz Hajdarowicz (2018) CEO of GREMI International
Manuel Ferreira de Oliveira, CEO of Galp Energia (Multinational Energy Corporation)
Ricardo Salgado, CEO of Banco Espírito Santo(Portuguese Bank)
Carlos Gomes da Silva (2016), Vice-Chairman/CEO of Galp Energia (Multinational Energy Corporation)
Anatoly Chubais (1998, 2012), Head of the Russian Nanotechnology Corporation, Independent Party
Alexei Mordashov (2011), CEO of Severstal
César Alierta (2010, 2016), Chairman/CEO of Telefónica
Juan Luis Cebrián (2016), Executive Chairman of PRISA and El País
José Manuel Entrecanales (2009, 2010), Chairman of Acciona
Jaime Carvajal, 5th Marquess of Isasi (2010), Chairman of Advent International
Marcus Wallenberg Jr. (1957, 1958, 1962, 1963, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1967, 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, 1979, 1980, 1981), well respected Banker, Tennis player (deceased)
Peter Wallenberg Sr. (1984, 1987), Industrial Advisor to the Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), He began his career in 1953 at Atlas Copco AB. CEO of Atlas Copco MCT AB (Mining and Construction Technique) (1968-1970), Vice-CEO of Atlas Copco AB (1970-1974) Wallenberg was an Industrial Advisor to the Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) (1974), bought out Volvo's shares in two family businesses and merged the three family investment firms, Investor AB, Providentia and Export Invest. Chairman of Investor AB for 10 years during which time he internationalized the firm and set in motion international mergers that created companies such as ABB, AstraZeneca & Stora Enso. (deceased)
Marcus Wallenberg (1996, 1997, 2001, 2009, 2014, 2017, 2018, 2019), President and CEO of Investor (1999-2005), Chairman of the International Chamber of Commerce (2006-2008), Vice-Chairman of the Institute of International Finance, Board of Directors of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Electrolux, Ericsson, LKAB, AstraZeneca, Stora Enso, Saab, Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation, former member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group, former member of the Board of Directors of Temasek Holdings, currently on the Temasek International Panel
Percy Barnevik (1992-1996, 1997,[BETTER SOURCE NEEDED]2001), former CEO of ASEA, CEO of ABB,
Conni Jonsson (2016), Founder/Chairman of EQT Partners
Lars Renström (2010), President/CEO of Alfa Lava
Hans Stråberg (2006), President/CEO of Electrolux, Director/Member of Remuneration Committee of Stora Enso Oyj.,
Jacob Wallenberg (2000-2016), Chairman of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) (1998-2005), Vice-Chairman (2005-2014), CEO of the Bank (1997), Corporate and Investment banking (1995-1996), Vice-Chairman of Atlas Copco, SAS Group, Stora Enso, served on the Board of The Coca-Cola Company, Electrolux, WM-data and Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. Bilderberg Group Steering Committee Member, In December 2016, Wallenberg argued that the United Kingdom was no longer the first choice for investments as a result of the Brexit vote. Chairman of the Board of Investor AB, a lead shareholder of Nordic-based global companies, Vice-Chairman of ABB, Ericsson AB, FAM AB and Patricia Industries, Board of Nasdaq Inc., Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation and a couple of other Wallenberg Foundations and Stockholm School of Economics, Steering Committee Member of the European Round Table of Industrialists (ERT), Advisory Board of Tsinghua University School of Economics & Management, Member of the Trilateral Commission, Honorary Chairman of IBLAC, Mayor of Shanghai’s International Business Leaders Advisory Council
Peter Brabeck-Letmathe (2011), Chairman of Emeritus, Nestlé, Formula One Group
André Kudelski (2011, 2016), Chairman/CEO of Kudelski Group, In 1995, the World Economic Forum nominated André Kudelski as a "Global Leader for Tomorrow".
Daniel Vasella (2008-2013), Chairman of Novartis
Peter Voser (2010, 2013), Chairman/Interim CEO of ABB and the Royal Dutch Shell
Süreyya Ciliv (2011), CEO of Turkcell
Levent Çakiroglu (2017), CEO of Koç Holding
Mustafa Koç (2008-2013), Chairman of Koç Holding
Ömer M. Koç (2017-2019), Chairman of Koç Holding A.S.
Tuncay Özilhan (2010), Chairman of Anadolu Group
Şefika Pekin (2011), Attorney
Serpil Timuray (2012), Chief Executive of Vodafone Africa, Middle East & Asia-Pacific (AMAP) region.
Agah Uğur (2009), CEO of Borusan Holding
Sinan Ülgen (2017), Founder/Partner of Istanbul Economics
United Kingdom
Marcus Agius (2011, 2013, 2016), Chairman of PA Consulting Group
Lord Browne of Madingley (1995, 1997), Executive Chairman of L1 Energy, Past President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, Author, Member of the House of Lords
Robert Dudley (2016), Master of the Horse, Lord Steward of the Royal Household, Privy Councillor, Governor-General of the United Provinces
Dido Harding (2016), CEO of TalkTalk Group, Conservative Party
Demis Hassabis (2016), Co-Founder/CEO of DeepMind
John Sawers (2016), Chairman/Partner of Macro Advisory Partners
Martin Taylor, [BETTER SOURCE NEEDED] (1993-1996, 1997, 2013), former CEO of Barclays
United States
Sam Altman (2016), CEO of OpenAI & LP, former President of Y Combinator
Jeff Bezos (2011, 2013), Founder/Executive Chairman of Amazon, Founder of Blue Origin, Founder of Bezos Expeditions
Timothy C. Collins (2008-2012), CEO of Ripplewood Holdings
David M. Cote (2016), Chairman/CEO of Honeywell
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr. (2016), President/CEO of TIAA, Democratic Party
Bill Gates (2010), Co-Chairperson of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Chairman/Founder of Branded Entertainment Network, Chairman/Founder of Cascade Investment, Chairman/Co-Founder of TerraPower, Founder of Breakthrough Energy, Technology Advisor of Microsoft
Louis V. Gerstner Jr., Chairman/CEO of RJR Nabisco (1989-1993), Chairman & CEO of IBM (1993-2002), Chairman of The Carlyle Group (2003-2008), Chairman of The Broad Institute of MIT & Harvard (2013-2020), Chairman of Gerstner Sloan Kettering Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences (2014-2020)
Donald E. Graham (2008-2010), CEO/Chairman of The Washington Post Company, Board of Directors for Facebook, Chairman of Graham Holdings Company, Member of the Trilateral Commission
H. J. Heinz II (1954), CEO of H. J. Heinz Company (deceased)
Mellody Hobson (2016), President/Co-CEO of Ariel Investments, Chairwoman of Starbucks Corporation, former Chairwoman of DreamWorks Animation, first African-American woman Head The Economic Club of Chicago, Chair of the Board of Directors of Starbucks (2021)
Reid Hoffman (2016, 2019), Executive-Chairman of LinkedIn, Vice-Chairman Partner at Greylock, Board Member at Microsoft
Chris Hughes (2011), Co-founder of Facebook, Publisher/Editor-In-Chief of The New Republic (2012-2016), Democratic Party
Kenneth M. Jacobs (2016), CEO/Chairman of the Board of Directors of Lazard
James A. Johnson (2016), Chairman of Johnson Capital Partners, Democratic Party (deceased)
Vernon Jordan (2016), Senior Managing Director of Lazard Frères & Co
Alex Karp (2016), Co-Founder/CEO of Palantir Technologies
Klaus Kleinfeld (2016), CEO of Siemens (2005-2007), CEO/Chairman of Arconic (2007-2017), Director of Neom Project (2017-2018)
Henry Kravis (2008-2016), Co-Founder/Co-Chairman/Co-CEO of KKR, Republican Party
Richard Levin (2016), CEO of Coursera, 22nd President of Yale University
Divesh Makan (2016), CEO of ICONIQ Capital
Scott Malcomson (2016), Author, President of Monere Ltd.
Craig Mundie (2016), Principal of Mundie & Associates, Microsoft Executive
Satya Nadella (2019), Chairman/CEO of Microsoft
Eric Schmidt (2008, 2010, 2011, 2013-2016, 2019), CEO of Google (2001-2011), Executive-Chairman of Google (2011-2015), Executive-Chairman of Alphabet Inc. (2015 -2017), Technical Advisor at Alphabet (2017-2020), Co-founder of Schmidt Futures, Democratic Party
Peter Thiel (2007-2016, 2019), PayPal Co-Founder, President of Clarium Capital, Chairman of Palantir, Partner in Founders Fund, Chairman of Valar Ventures, Chair of Mithril Capital, Republican Party
Gustavo Cisneros (2010), Chairman of Grupo Cisneros, Media Mogul
Yoshua Bengio (2016), Professor in Computer Science and Operations Research, University of Montreal
James Orbinski (2011), Professor of Medicine and Political Science, University of Toronto, was President of the International Council of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF aka Doctors Without Borders) when the organization received the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize.
Huang Yiping (2011, 2012), Professor of Economics at the National School of Development (China Center for Economic Research) at Peking University
Matti Apunen (2016), Director of Finnish Business and Policy Forum EVA
C. Fred Bergsten (1971, 1974, 1984, 1997),[BETTER SOURCE NEEDED] President of Peterson Institute, former Washington DC U.S. Assistant Secretary, Member of the Trilateral Commission
Olivier Blanchard (2016), Fred Bergsten Senior Fellow at Peterson Institute
Emmanuelle Charpentier (2016), Director of Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology
Thierry de Montbrial, Director of the French Institute of International Relations
Renate Köcherm (2018), Managing Director of Allensbach Institute for Public Opinion Research
Hans-Werner Sinn (2016), Professor for Economics & Public Finance @ Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Loukas Tsoukalis (2009-2012), President of the Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy
Carlo Ratti (2016), Director of MIT Senseable City Lab
Victor Halberstadt (2000-2012, 2016), Co-Chair of Bilderberg Group Steering Committee, Chairman of Foundation Bilderberg Meetings Professor of Economics @ Leiden University, Former Honorary Secretary General of Bilderberg Meetings
Robbert Dijkgraaf (2013), Mathematical Physicist, Director, & Leon Levy Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, Professor at the University of Amsterdam
Sergei Guriev (2015), Head Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction & Development (2015-2019), Rector of New Economic School (2004-2013), President of the Center for Economic & Financial Research (2005-2013), Professor of Economics at Sciences Po (2013-Present)
Juan Luis Cebrián (2017-2018), Executive-Chairman of El País
Luis Garicano (2016), Professor of Economics @ London School of Economics (LSE), Senior Advisor to Citizens (Party of the Citizenry)
Beatrice Weder di Mauro (2016), Professor of Economics @ University of Mainz, Professor of Economics @ Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies in Geneva, Distinguished Fellow-in-residence at the Emerging Markets Institute of INSEAD Singapore, and a senior fellow at the Centre for International Governance Innovation (2018-Present), President of the Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR), participated in the Bilderberg conference, Chaired the Global Agenda Council on Sovereign Debt the World Economic Forum, member of the Expert Group on Debt Redemption Fund & Eurobills of the European Commission (2013-2014)
Mustafa Akyol (2017), Senior Visiting Fellow of Freedom Project at Wellesley College
Senem Aydin-Düzgit (2016), Associate Professor & Jean Monnet Chair @ Istanbul Bilgi University
Evren Balta (2019), Associate Professor of Political Science @ Özyegin University, Associate Professor of International Relations @ Faculty of Social Sciences of Ozyegin University, Senior Scholar @ Istanbul Policy Center
Canan Dağdeviren (2018), Assistant Professor @ MIT Media Lab
Selva Demiralp (2019), Professor of Economics @ Koç University
Soli Özel (2016), Professor @ Kadir Has University
Behlül Özkan (2018), Associate Professor in International Relations @ Marmara University
Metin Sitti (2019), Professor @ Koç University, Director of Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems
United Kingdom
Guy Standing (2016), British Labour Economist, Professor of Development Studies at the School of Oriental & African Studies (SOAS), University of London, Co-Founder of the Basic Income Earth Network (BIEN)
United States
Niall Ferguson (2016), Professor of History, Harvard University
Marie-Josée Kravis (2016), Businesswoman, Philanthropist, Co-Chair of Bilderberg Group Steering Committee, President of American Friends of Bilderberg Inc, Senior Fellow of Hudson Institute
Charles A. Murray (2016), W.H. Brady Scholar of American Enterprise Institute
Richard Pipes (1981), Senior Staff Member of National Security Council (deceased)
Oscar Bronner (2008–2011, 2013), Painter, Publisher/Editor of Der Standard
Peter Mansbridge (2010), CBC's Chief Correspondent/Anchor of The National, CBC Television's flagship nightly newscast
Conrad Black, Baron Black of Crossharbour, (1981, 1983, 1985-1996), Hollinger International, Author & Media Magnate (1997), Part-Ownership of Ravelston Corporation Holding Company, Member of the Trilateral Commission Conservative Party
David Frum (1997), Canadian-American Political Journalist, former Economic Speechwriter for President George W. Bush
Robert Prichard (2010), President of Ontario's Metrolinx, former President, CEO/Director of Torstar Corporation, Boards of George Weston Limited, Onex Corporation, Chairman of the Bank of Montreal, Chair of the Board of Metrolinx, Penguin Group Canada, Chair of Toronto law firm Torys LLP, Liberal Party of Canada
Heather Reisman (2000-Present), CEO of Chapters/Indigo, Co-Founder of the Heseg Foundation, Co-Founder & past Chair of Kobo
Tøger Seidenfaden (1999, 2001-2003), Editor-In-Chief of Politiken (deceased)
Nicolas Beytout, Editor @ Le Figaro
Etienne Gernelle (2016, 2017), Editorial Director of Le Point, (2012), Le Monde CEO (deceased)
Mathias Döpfner (2016-2019), Chairman/CEO of Axel Springer SE
Thomas Ebeling (2016), CEO of ProSiebenSat.1
Julia Jäkel (2016), CEO of Gruner + Jahr, Board Member of the Bertelsmann Management, Board Member of Holtzbrinck Publishing Group, Board Member of Adevinta
Alexis Papahelas (2008, 2009), Managing Editor of Kathimerini
Carlo Rossella (1997), Editor @ La Stampa
Lilli Gruber, (2012, 2016), Journalist/Anchorwoman @ La7
Juan Luis Cebrián (2008-2012), CEO of PRISA, Co-Founder of El País
Javier Monzón (2019), Chairman of PRISA
Michael Ringier (2009), Chairman of Ringier Holding AG
Pietro Supino (2012), Chairman of Tamedia, Publisher & Chairman of Tamedia (2007-Present)
Cansu Çamlibel (2017), Washington DC Bureau Chief of Hürriyet Newspaper, Editor-In-Chief of Duvar
Sami Kohen, (2009), Senior Foreign Affairs Columnist of Milliyet (deceased)
Murat Yetkin (2018), Editor-In-Chief of Hürriyet Daily News
United Kingdom
Zanny Minton Beddoes (2016), Editor-in-Chief of The Economist
Will Hutton (1997), former CEO of The Work Foundation, Editor-In-Chief for The Observer, Shareholder of the Scott Trust Limited which owns the Guardian Media Group, Rapporteur of the Kok Group, member of the Design Council's Millennium Commission, European Advisory Board of Princeton University Press (2011)
Andrew Knight (1996), Journalist, Editor, Media Baron, Co-Founder of the production company Artist Services, Co-Producer & Writer for The Fast Lane, Fast Forward, The D-Generation, Writer for Full Frontal, Co-Creator, Principal Writer & Executive Producer of the ABC’s immensely popular drama SeaChange
United States
Fouad Ajami (2012), Senior Fellow of The Hoover Institution, Stanford University (deceased)
Anne Applebaum (2016), Columnist of the Washington Post, Director of the Transitions Forum of Legatum Institute
William F. Buckley Jr. (1996), Columnist/Founder of National Review (deceased)
Richard Engel (2016), Chief Foreign Correspondent of NBC News
Megan McArdle (2016), Columnist of Bloomberg View
John Micklethwait (2016), Editor-In-Chief of Bloomberg News
Peggy Noonan (2016), Columnist for The Wall Street Journal, Contributor to NBC News & ABC News, Speechwriter & Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan (1984-1986), Republican Party
Charlie Rose (2008, 2010, 2011, 2012), Executive Editor/Anchor of 'Charlie Rose'
George Stephanopoulos (1996, 1997), Communications Director of the Clinton Administration (1993-1996), Senior Advisor to the President, ABC News Chief Washington Correspondent
The most powerful Bilderbergers are very old. Henry Kissinger who was Secretary of State under the Richard Nixon administration is 93 years old. George P. Schulz who was Secretary of State under the Ronald Reagan administration is 96. George Soros is 86 years old. Who will fill the power vacuum when all these old-school Bilderbergers are gone? That remains to be seen. The long-term goal for the Bilderberg Group is a borderless world, with no nation-states, ruled by a one-world government that is controlled by the super-elite. It is not going to be easy to achieve this because of the serious wealth inequality, which causes all the money to flow to the top tenth of one percent, greatly harming the middle and lower classes. This causes social unrest. Moreover, the massive immigration into Europe, moving from one EU country to another, and the resulting clash of cultures arising from this has destabilized many parts of Europe. The reaction to these negative things that the Bilderbergers want to cause a strong rise in nationalism. This is responsible for Brexit to be followed perhaps by other countries desiring to leave the EU. Nevertheless, the goal of the Bilderberg Group is a one-world government with one global marketplace. The people are to be kept in check by a one-world army and use a single global currency controlled by a one-world bank. The end goal is no less than complete world domination. Every year, the Bilderberg Group’s secret meeting advances this agenda steadily towards this goal, even when facing setbacks like the Presidency of Donald Trump. I hope you enjoyed this blog because it took a lot of research and work to write this blog out. I put a lot of hours into creating this for all of you. My next blog will be about the Power Corporation of Canada and how it has a huge role in shaping the Canadian legislation and policy in its favor and how many Canadian Prime Ministers have worked for the corporation. So come back to check out the article Corporates, Politicians & Wealth: The Power Corporation of Canada from The Real Uncensored Truth w/Rob Grant